Broadcast Documentation Go to the repo


Simple and easy to use background task processing and message queue for .NET

Broadcast is a simple implementation for processing and scheduling tasks in the background without blocking the main thread.
Broadcast helps implement the Mediator or CQRS (Command- and Queryhandling) patterns easily.

Background Task processing

Processing a task in a async queue using the default Broadcaster

BackgroundTaskClient.Send(() => Trace.WriteLine("This is a basic task"));

Processing a task with a custom Broadcaster instance

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster();
broadcaster.Send(() => Trace.WriteLine("This is a basic task"));

Scheduleed Tasks

Schedule a task in a async queue using the default Broadcaster

BackgroundTaskClient.Schedule(() => Console.WriteLine("test"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

Schedule a task with a custom Broadcaster instance

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster();
broadcaster.Schedule(() => Console.WriteLine("test"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

Recurring Tasks

Add a recurring task to be processed in a async queue using the default Broadcaster

BackgroundTaskClient.Recurring("recurring", () => service.Recurring(DateTime.Now.ToString("o")), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));

Add a recurring task to be processed with a custom Broadcaster instance

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster();
broadcaster.Recurring("recurring", () => service.Recurring(DateTime.Now.ToString("o")), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));
