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A .NET Message Broker Middleware for handling, converting and delegating events.

Events are sent to a pipeline for processing. A pipeline is setup of a InputHandler, 1-n OutputHandlers and a set of filter definitions.
InputHandlers take a object in, do some datamanipulation and pass this to the OutpuHandlers.
Filters are used to define the granularity and content the of the data passed to the handlers
OutputHandlers dispach the updated data to the desired storage


Gaucho is installed with NuGet


var pipelineId = "DefaultPipeline";

var server = new ProcessingServer();
server.Register(pipelineId, () =>
    var pipeline = new EventPipeline();
    pipeline.AddHandler(new ConsoleOutputHandler());

    return pipeline;
server.Register(pipelineId, new LogMessageInputHandler());

var client = new EventDispatcher(server);
client.Process(pipelineId, new LogMessage { Message = "InstanceServer" });

Defining the Handlers

public class LogMessageInputHandler : IInputHandler<LogMessage>
    public string PipelineId { get; set; }

    public Event ProcessInput(LogMessage message)
        // transform data
        return new Event(PipelineId, f => f.BuildFrom(data));
public class ConsoleOutputHandler : IOutputHandler
    public void Handle(Event @event)


var dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
dispatcher.Process("DefaultPipeline", message);