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There is a very basic builtin implementation of DependencyInjection.
Services can be added to the ActivationContext through the GlobalConfiguration when configuring the Server.

GlobalConfiguration.Setup(c => c.UseProcessingServer(p =>
        // create the configuration of a pipeline
        var config = new PipelineConfiguration
            Id = "pipeline1",
            OutputHandlers = new List<HandlerNode>
                new HandlerNode(typeof(ConsoleOutputHandler)),
                new HandlerNode(typeof(SqlOuputHandler))
            InputHandler = new HandlerNode(typeof(InputHandler<LogMessage>))
    .AddService<IDependency>(() => new Dependency()));


A custom DI Container can be added by implementing the interface IActivationContext and registering this to the GlobalConfiguration.

var container = new TinyIoCCContainer();
GlobalConfiguration.Setup(c => c.Register<IActivationContext>(new TinyIoCActivationContext(container)));

Example implementation

public class TinyIoCActivationContext : IActivationContext
    private readonly TinyIoCContainer _container;

    publi CustomActivationContext(TinyIoCContainer container)
        _container = container;

    public void Register<TService, TImpl>() where TImpl : TService
        // not needed

    public void Register<TService>(Func<TService> instanceCreator)
        // not needed

    public T Resolve<T>()
        return _container.Resolve<TResolveType>();

    public T Resolve<T>(Type serviceType)
        return _container.Resolve<TResolveType>();

    public object Resolve(Type serviceType)
       return _container.Resolve(serviceType);

    public IActivationContext ChildContext()
        return new CustomActivationContext(_container.GetChildContainer());