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Broadcast provides an implementation of the Mediator pattern. Simply register Handlers that implement the INotificationTarget interface


// dummy implementation of a Notification (Event)
class Message : INotification { }
// dummy implementation of a Notificationhandler (EventHandler)
class NotificationHandler : INotificationTarget<Message>
    public void Handle(Message notification)

// Broadcaster is usualy resolved through DependencyInjection
var broadcaster = new Broadcaster();

// register different handlers

// publish a message to the handlers
broadcaster.Send(new Message(5));

Mediator class

If a mediator is all that is needed, the same logic can be executed in a Mediator implementation. Basicaly it is the same as in the Broadcaster, but only containes the Notification implementation.

// dummy implementation of a Notification (Event)
class Message : INotification { }
// dummy implementation of a Notificationhandler (EventHandler)
class NotificationHandler : INotificationTarget<Message>
    public void Handle(Message notification)

// Mediator is usualy resolved through DependencyInjection
IMediator mediator = new Mediator();

// register different handlers

// publish a message to the handlers
mediator.Send(new Message(5));

Registration of Handlers

Thera are three different ways to register handlers

broadcaster.RegisterHandler<Message>(a => expressionHandler = a.ID);