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Task processing

Processing tasks is the core element of Broadcast and is done with just 2 lines of code

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster();
broadcaster.Send(() => Trace.WriteLine("This is a basic task"));

Processing Mode

In the inside tasks are processed by Taksprocessors. These are definded by the Interface ITaskProcessor.

Broadcast has 3 different builtin Modes for processing tasks

  1. Async
  2. Background
  3. Serial

async is the default if none other is defined.

Async Processing

Each task is processed in a new thread

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster(ProcessorMode.Async);
broadcaster.Send(() => Trace.WriteLine("This is a basic task"));

Because async is the default it is not neccessary to pass the ProcessorMode

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster();
broadcaster.Send(() => Trace.WriteLine("This is a basic task"));

Background Processing

All tasks are added to a Queue for processing. The Processor starts a thread to process all tasks in the Queue.

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster(ProcessorMode.Background);
broadcaster.Send(() => Trace.WriteLine("This is a basic task"));

Background Serial

All tasks are automaticaly processed. This processingmode only makes sense in testmode to guarantee all tasks are processed befor continuing.

var broadcaster = new Broadcaster(ProcessorMode.Background);
broadcaster.Send(() => Trace.WriteLine("This is a basic task"));