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Snapshot Options

The SnapshotOptions are used to configure the way Polaroider takes snapshots of objects.
The SnapshotOptions can be configured on a global scope or per snapshot.

SnapshotOptions for global scope

SnapshotOptions.Setup(o =>
    // read lines without whitespaces
    o.AddDirective(line => line.Replace(" ", string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));


SnapshotOptions per Snapshot

To use the options per Snapshot, simply pass an instance of the desired options to the MatchSnapshot method.

var options = new SnapshotOptions();
// read lines without whitespaces
options.AddDirective(line => line.Replace(" ", string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));


Or by using the options factory

var options = SnapshotOptions.Create(o =>
    // read lines without whitespaces
    o.SetParser(line => line.Replace(" ", string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));


Global options are merged when using a custom option object.

If the Parser is altered or a directive is added in the custom options, the parsersettings of the default options will be ignored.