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Snapshot creation

When creating a snapshot, Polaroider uses the DefaultMapper to map objects.
The DefaultMapper uses the SnapshotTokenizer to tokenize objects.
When tokenizing, the DefaultMapper checks for registered Mappers or uses the default Mappingstrategy to create a snapshot.
The default Mappinstrategy casts all ValueTypes to string and maps the value to the snapshot.


The SnapshotTokenizer uses already configured mappers to create snapshottokens of objects or creates tokens based on strings.

ObjectMapper.Configure<CustomClass>(m =>
    var token = SnapshotTokenizer.Tokenize(m.Value);
    return token;


The default Mappingstrategy loops over all properties on a object. If a Propertytype corresponds to the definition of a ValueType, the property is cast to string.

ValueType matching

Polaroider uses the ToString() method on ValueTypes to create the snapshot.
The default definition of a ValueType can be altered in the SnapshotOptions. In the Options use the EvaluateValueType method to override the behaviour for matching valuetypes.

var options = SnapshotOptions.Create(o =>
    // exclude generics from the ValueTypes matching
    o.EvaluateValueType((type, obj) => type.IsValueType && !type.IsGenericType);


The default ObjectMapper can be replaced per object.
Use ObjectMapper.Configure to define a custom mapping of objects to snapshots

ObjectMapper.Configure<CustomClass>(m =>
    // create snapshot object and add the lines
    var token = new Snapshot()
    return token;